Explore IEEE Student Branch DITU

The IEEE Student Branch Chapter of DIT University provides a variety of conferences, workshops and professional development experiences, both face-to-face and online, that address the networking and learning needs of advancing technology for the benefit of humanity.

IEEE-DITU events, workshops and professional development programs deliver both forward-thinking innovation and exploration as well as practical, tangible advances and research to address challenges and identify opportunities.


Past Events



Friday April 22, 2022
Event Coordinator: Aamna Alam

Ever since he made his first appearance in a study in Scarlet, Sherlock Holmes has enthralled and delighted millions of fans throughout the world. To relive the fictional character by Arthur Conan Doyle, IEEE Student Branch organized the event “SHERLOCKED 5.0”. The event involved hurdles to test the participants' intelligence, problem-solving capabilities, presence of mind, and scientific knowledge. The competition consisted of 2 rounds. Overall, the event helped the students in the following aspects- increased their leadership qualities, improved their communication skills, helped them to interact with each other, Improved their problem-solving skills.



Friday April 22, 2022
Venue: Chanakya building Ground floor
Event Coordinator: Saumya Chitransh

Robo Soccer is a robotic sport where different soccer robots compete against each other. A soccer robot is one kind of mobile or autonomous robot, used to play soccer with variants. The task was to build a wired remote-controlled robot that can assist the ball to the opponent’s area, thereby, trying to score a goal. Thus, the team who scored the most goals won. The event was a successful one with spreading knowledge of the innovative game, hardware, and technology. It also gave inspiration for robotic sports, which involved an amazing usage of creativity and the upheaval of automation. Altogether the event was a great outcome for all the teams who participated from different departments and made it a remarkable one.



Friday April 22, 2022
Venue: Chanakya building Ground floor
Event Coordinator: Vivek Singh Bisht

The obstacle avoider robot operates as the name specifies. It is programmed to avoid all the obstacles, travel to the correct path, and reach the destination. Ultrasonic sensors and motors will be used in the bot. The event was held in Youthopia 2022, where the teams had to build their robots within the given event parameters, which were further checked on the event day by the coordinator. After the bots were verified, the teams were allowed to compete. The teams were given a track filled with obstacles to complete. On the event day two teams registered for the event, the teams were Team Optimus and Team Synapses. Team Optimus won the event with a flawless victory by overcoming the course in 44.75 seconds with only 4 crashes, while the other team completed the course in 55.55 seconds with 11 crashes. The winners were awarded with mementos and certificates.


Artificial Intelligence Workshop

Venue: offline
Speaker Mr. Shivam Sawarn

AI stands for artificial intelligence refers to systems or machines that mimic human intelligence to perform tasks and can iteratively improve themselves based on the information they collect. AI isn’t intended to replace humans. It’s intended to significantly enhance human capabilities and contributions. AI has become a catchall term for applications that perform complex tasks that once required human input such as communicating with customers online or playing chess. The term is often used interchangeably with its subfields, which include machine learning and deep learning. There are differences, however. For example, machine learning is focused on building systems that learn or improve their performance based on the data they consume. It’s important to note that although all machine learning is AI, not all AI is machine learning. Linear regression is an algorithm used to predict or visualize, a relationship between two different features/variables. In linear regression tasks, there are two kinds of variables being examined: the dependent variable and the independent variable. The independent variable is the variable that stands by itself, not impacted by the other variable. As the independent variable is adjusted, the levels of the dependent variable will fluctuate. The dependent variable is the variable that is being studied, and it is what the regression model solves for/attempts to predict. In linear regression tasks, every observation/instance is comprised of both the dependent variable value and the independent variable value. The third day of the event continued with the workshop on Artificial Intelligence. The speaker of the workshop was Mr. Shivam Sawarn. He enlightened the students about Artificial Intelligence and linear regression. Students also had a detailed practical session on google collab and various idles, in which they performed linear regression on various datasets. In the end, a quick quiz was also taken from the students which were based on the workshop session.


Blockchain Workshop

Venue: offline
Speaker Ms. Shubhi Agarwal

A blockchain is an append-only linked list of blocks, which is maintained at each participating node. Each block records a set of transactions and their associated data. There are different types of fields in today’s world where the blockchain is used, like Debt Management, Healthcare, Equity Markets, Private Markets, Voting, E-commerce sites, Escrow Transfers, Digital Rights, Crowdfunding platforms, and more. The second day of the event continued with the Blockchain Workshop. The speaker of the Blockchain Workshop was Ms. Shubhi Agarwal. She detailed to the students about Blockchain, its needs, its features, the different types of blockchain, and more. She further talked about the working of Blockchain, about architecture which consists of the elements like a node, block, and. Continuing with the workshop, students were also allowed hands-on to get the understanding and working of things better. Then, students were told about cryptocurrency and the NFT’S.


Cybersecurity Workshop

Venue: offline
Speaker Himanshu Rawat

The speaker presented the present scenario on the security and breaches of the virtual world. He further explained that cyber security is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. The students learned about different types of security such as: - Network security, Application security, Information security, Operational security. The students were also told about how the global cyber threat continues to evolve rapidly, with a rising number of data breaches each year. Himanshu Rawat also talked about various cybercrime methods like Malware, Phishing, Man-in-the-middle attack, Denial-of-service attack, In the end, he enlightened students about the ways of preventing cyber security attacks.


IoT Workshop

Venue: offline
Speaker Vedant Bansal.

The main event of Exodus was the Internet of Things workshop. This workshop was held parallel to other workshops on all 3 days.The first day of the workshop started with a theoretical session about IoT, where Mr. Vedant Bansal gave a brief about what is IoT. He also talked about the Different levels of Architecture, He then further explained fog architecture on IoT, Fog computing is a computing architecture in which a series of nodes receives data from IoT devices in real-time. Students also learned about microcontrollers and CPUs with detail on how they work in real-life scenarios. At last, Students also got to learn how to use Arduino and Nodemcu. The second day of the workshop was primarily focused on Practical applications of the IoT such as Home Automation is includes connecting all your electrical devices of the home with a common central controlling unit in automation the devices depend on the user inputs. In addition to managing the control of your electrical appliances, the concept of Home Automation further extends to managing the security systems of your home, controlling programming devices like thermostats and sprinkler systems, and operating your garage doors through a one-touch action on your smartphone. Next is a basic Introduction to Arduino IDE. The third day,presentation on Home Automation which include connecting all you electrical devices of the home with the common central controlling unit in automation the devices depend on the user inputs.



Consisted of:
Cyber Security Workshop
Artificial Intelligence Workshop
Blockchain Workshop

IEEE Student Branch DITU and IEEE CS Society organized a 3- day workshop event named Exodus. The term ‘Exodus’ means the “mass departure of people towards knowledge and technology”. Exodus consisted of a 3-day IOT Workshop following up with the Cyber Security Workshop, Artificial Intelligence Workshop, and Blockchain Workshop. The first day of the event began with an inaugural ceremony which began with the arrival of Pro-Vice-Chancellor Sir, our branch counselor, Prabha Shankar Sharma sir, and the principal of nursing, Dr. R Babu. With further proceedings, the Chairperson of IEEE Student Branch, DITU, Ms. Shubhi Agarwal addressed the guest of honor and the audience. Then, she briefed all about the IEEE Student Branch DITU and IEEE CS Society. Proceeding further, the Pro-Vice-Chancellor graced the event with his words of wisdom and lectured the audience on “Evolution of Intelligent Systems”. In the end, the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Student Branch, DITU ended the inaugural ceremony with a vote of thanks. The inaugural ceremony was followed by the commencement of the IoT Workshop and Cyber Security Workshop.



Saturday February 19, 2022
Venue: Google Meet
Event Coordinators: Ishita Bhatt and Diya Lohani

IEEE SB chapter of DITU organized an Orientation Program and Alumni Meet. A successful orientation program of the Student Branch was organized by the office bearers for the recent recruits. All the details were conveyed to the recruits to make them more comfortable with the working of the Student Branch. Apart from the orientation program, an alumni meet was held the same day. Our SB was officially established in 2010, and all the alumni since then we're invited. Respected P.S. Sharma sir, our Branch Counselor also added glory to the meeting by joining us. Alumni are the backbone of the Student Branch and they deserve to be remembered and cherished. Not only it was a moment of happiness and nostalgia for us but also an opportunity to reflect on our learning and achievements. They seemed to be quite happy and nostalgic at the same point time meeting P.S. Sharma sir and us of course. They highlighted their memories, their journey, and their successful projects as well which made us more enthusiastic to come up with more new ideas and projects. Also, a few mistakes they made at that time were highlighted by them so that we don’t get to the same dead end. Indeed, the event helped us to acquire more understanding of our Student Branch from our reputed Alumni and become competent.



Sunday January 30, 2022
Venue: Online
Event Coordinators: Vasundhra Bhatia, Shubhkarman Kaur

IEEE Student Branch Chapter of DIT university organized AR VR Workshop, an online workshop that includes an introduction to AR VR. Participants were asked to join an online session, that was conducted on google meet by a well-known 3D developer Mr. Aman Bohra, in which he explains the fundamentals behind the emerging technology AR/VR. The event began with an 'Ice breaking session', and also comprises a small quiz that was held during the break. The winners of the quiz competition were rewarded wisely. The overall workshop lasted for about two and a half hours. Indeed, the event helped the candidates learn and experience something new.



Tuesday January 11, 2022
Venue: Online
Event Coordinators: Mahak Jain, Piyush Choudhary

IEEE Student Branch Chapter of DIT University organized the CRACK THE CODE, a coding competition that was open to all. Participants were given two questions and they have to do coding. They were judged on the basis of time whoever crack the code first that participant won the competition. The participants were given one and half an hour to crack the code. Indeed, the event helped the candidates to show their ability/interest in coding. This event was held on the “HACKERRANK”.